
GlySign 2nd annual meeting; 3-7 June 2019 <

Our 2nd annual meeting was hosted by Genos in Zagreb.

It was a very interesting day of presentations and meetings as the ESRs and the team came together to discuss recent work and plan for the months ahead. Following this, a two day Industrial-Academic mobility workshop was held, organised by the ESRs themselves with the support of the hosts at Genos.


The ESRs had the opportunity to share their experiences with a group of very enthusiastic students from the University of Zagreb. It was a fantastic experience shared by all, where the ESRs were able to show how they have benefitted from being part of an industrial and international training network.



This entire week including all meetings and workshops, emphasis was put on career development and the GlySign stu dents also met experienced scientists and discussed their career opportunities. Undoubtedly it was a busy, but very rewarding week.