GlySign is a research training network on glycomic clinical markers and assay development for Precision Medicine
It is a European Industrial Doctorate and aims at exploiting the
translational synergies between excellent academic and industrial
partners to the fullest extent and bringing known glycomics markers to
the clinic
Personalised medicine (PM) is a cornerstone-field of healthcare, whose aim is to tailor the clinical diagnosis and treatment to the individual
biochemistry of the patients and their particular molecular dysfunction.
GlySign aims at the advancement of medical glycomics, currently hampered by three main factors: Glycan microheterogeneity, lack of quality in biomarker validation, and the complexity of the glycomics analytical technology.
The GlySign consortium is composed of three among world-class research
centres and companies at the forefront of glycomics research and
technology development.
The GlySign Consortium is composed of three among world-class research
centres and companies acting at the forefront of glycomics research and technology development
Final GlySign meeting; February 3-7, 2020